Sometimes great ideas come straight from everyday life. That was exactly the case for us: in 2017, we needed an internal system to manage holiday requests, time tracking, and team coordination all in one place and with local data storage — so we quickly decided to develop our own tool: TeamTracker. Back then, our main focus was simply on making it practical for our own use. The focus to extend the program to the needs of other companies came later.

Key features at a glance

  • Calendar & holiday management: holiday requests are entered directly into the calendar and approved by the appropriate decision-makers
  • Time tracking: In addition to manually recording working hours, we have now also implemented a check-in/check-out feature
  • Team & project organization: A central repository to manage and maintain all project, team and customer data
  • Integrated billing: Fully automated generation of time sheets and invoices
  • Asset management: Create and manage company assets and loans (e.g., hardware or licences)
  • Completely secure data storage and full control over data protection thanks to on-premise operation on the company’s own server

Our first client, a leading ophthalmology practice in Hamburg, was especially interested in the time tracking feature. In particular, they wanted a check-in/check-out function, which we custom-built for them. We also made the interface design fully customiseable to match the practice’s colours and logo — so the team can find their way around quickly and the tool visually fits the company.

Working with our first external client showed us how important it is to tailor TeamTracker to individual customer requirements. Contact us if you have individual needs for your time tracking system. We’ll continue developing the tool based on user feedback, placing special emphasis on an improved mobile version.